Want to get all your questions answered by a dermatologist?
Specialist feedback on your difficult skin cases?
Access to the most updated information?
Endless support from your colleagues from all over the world?
You're in a right place!

Lately I was thinking how I can make your everyday life easier, how can I serve you better as a vetderm specialist
And I came up with an idea about club — special place that will help you learn every day, no much time or money needed:)
Learning is not only for knowing more and being better doctor — learning is also a ticket to better clinics, larger salary and more sophisticated life style!
So, please meet learnvetderm club!
What is it?
Imagine having a community of highly motivated to learn vetderm people from all over the world. And you are one of them. A place where you support each other, share you cases and have daily tips and advices from an experienced dermatologists (me, but also Jevgenija Kondratjeva and Laura Udraite-Vovk, all board certified vet dermatologists). A place where no goal is too big and everyone is growing together.
What makes club a great place to be?
You learn something new every day. You become a better doctor every day. You get the most updated information about diagnosis and treatment every day. And you are able to provide better care for your skin patients. You don’t have to travel, spend a lot of money and time just to get a few days of knowledge at a conference. You will never feel lost anymore. From now on you’re confident around skin patients because you will get advice if you need it. Every day.
What level I have to be?
Everybody is welcome! I’m happy to explain you basics (how to take scrapings, what this skin lesion means and how to call this cell you see under a microscope:) and I’m glad to help you with a difficult case management (how to diagnose a rare skin disease or how to deal with treatment resistant patient or non-compliant pet owner:). We all are different level but we all have the same goal — be better at helping skin patients!
What you get
Two online educational events each month (one is to discuss certain topic, another one to go through new interesting publications in vetderm).
For example, lately we discussed “Breed dermatoses of a German Shepherd” and recent publication of H.Jackson “Food allergy in dogs and cats: current perspectives on etiology, diagnosis and management”
Unlimited number of consultations on your cases from dermatologist
Answers to ALL your questions from dermatologist
Endless support and feedback from like-minded people
Where do we meet?
On Zoom platform
How do I join a Zoom webinar?
After payment you receive an email with a ZOOM invitation link. Click on it, fill out a short registration form and receive a confirmation email with a link to join the webinar at the scheduled time.
Do I need Zoom app or account?
Can I join a Zoom webinar on a mobile phone?
Will I be able to ask questions?
Absolutely! I like to be asked and never finish a meeting before I answer all your questions.
How long is the webinar?
1-1,5 hours, depends on how many questions you have.
I missed the webinar! Can I get a recording?
Yes, we send the recording to everyone, just a few hours after webinar ends.
How long is a recording available to watch?
Take your time — you may watch (and rewatch) during one year after getting it.
Will I get a certificate?
Yes, you get a certificate after each webinar or course (except journal club). Even if you could not join us live and just watched the recording(s). On the certificate I will mention length of a webinar, so you may use it for collecting your CE points
Can I get an invoice for my payment?
Sure, I pay taxes and happy to write an invoice. Just send me name of your company, address and EU VAT number to admin@learnvetderm.com
What if I did not get a ZOOM invitation?
Please check your junk/spam folder, if still missing — contact me admin@learnvetderm.com
Question not answered here?
Please email us at admin@learnvetderm.com